
The God Reality: A Critique of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion is unavailable, but you can change that!

In recent decades, the Christian consensus that laid the foundations for the freedoms, stability and prosperity enjoyed by Western countries has been challenged by an increasingly militant atheistic humanism. As a consequence, Christianity has become scorned and held up as a thing to be ridiculed. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins represents perhaps the most brazen attack on Christianity yet....

Having dismissed God as being ‘very very improbable’ by resorting to the wholly fallacious ‘Who made God?’ argument, Dawkins moves swiftly on in The God Delusion to the next greatest problem, which is the mechanism of life. The explanation he gives is, unsurprisingly, that of Darwinian natural selection, which he variously describes as ‘a solution of stunning elegance and power’ and as that which ‘raises our consciousness to the power of science to explain how organized
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